Know your surroundings. Detect danger and avoid if possible.
Be ready to act quickly. Remember to breathe.
Stay calm. Talk to the aggressor. Negotiate. Apologise if neceesary.
Use you fence to protect you, to show that you do not want any trouble. Secret guard can also be used.
Stay facing the would be attacker but be aware of your surrounding environment.
Only use your self defence skills once you have exhausted every other option and you are now physically in danger. Be decisive and confident in your abilities. Only use sufficent force to end the fight quickly and safely.
Use your fence and Triangular Defence if attacked.
Stay on your feet, unless taken to the ground by the attacker or you are convinced that there are no other individuals that could join in to hurt you.
On the ground use your grappling skills to restrain the attacker from hurting you.
When negotiating with the attacker, maintain a safe distance. If the attack has occurred stay close and control with a restraint such as a Bearhug in order to prevent the attacker from striking you.